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Giovedì, 08 Giugno 2017 16:30

Allegato progetto inglese: canzoni

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we're living in the farm,

with many funny animals!
pig 'n' Sheep, Pig 'n' sheep:
come with us to play!

Hello, hello,
i'm Mr Pig! ( si muove la marionetta del maialino)
Hello, hello,
I'm Miss Sheep! ( si muove la marionetta della pecorella)
hi Miss Sheep! ( si muove la marionetta della pecorella)
hi Mr Pig! ( muovendo il maialino)
say hello to me!

We're living together in the farm,
with many funny animals!
Pig 'n' Sheep,Horse 'n' mouse:
come with us to play!
We're living together in the farm,
with many funny animals!
Pig 'n' Sheep, Dog 'n' Cow:
come with us to play!
We're living together in the farm,
with many funny animals!
Pig 'n' Sheep, Rabbit 'n' Chick:
come with us to play!
We're living together in the farm,
with many funny animals!
Pig 'n' Sheep, Rooster 'n' cat:
come with us to play!

Look at my face.(tracciare con le dita il profilo del viso)
Look at my eyes.(indicare gli occhi)
I'm very nice.(sorridere mettendosi in posa)
I'm very nice.(sorridere mettendosi in posa)
Look at my nose, (toccare la punta del naso)
up to my mouth. (toccare la bocca)
Look at my tongue, (indicare dentro la bocca)
out of my mouth. (fare la linguaccia)

Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes,
and eyes and ears, and mouth and nose.
Head and shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.

Stand up
sit down.
Stand up
and turn around.
Stand up
sit down.
Shake your arms
and turn around.
Stand up
sit down.
Shake your legs
and turn around.
Stand up
sit down.
Stand up
and turn around.

Daddy finger, daddy finger!
Here I am, here I am!
How are you today?How are you today?
I'm fine thanks, I'm fine thanks.
Mommy finger, mommy finger!
Here I am, here I am!
How are you today?How are you today?
I'm fine thanks, I'm fine thanks.
Brother finger, brother finger!
Here I am, here I am!
How are you today?How are you today?
I'm fine thanks, I'm fine thanks.
Sister finger, sister finger!
Here I am, here I am!
How are you today?How are you today?
I'm fine thanks, I'm fine thanks.
Baby finger, baby finger!
Here I am, here I am!
How are you today?How are you today?
I'm fine thanks, I'm fine thanks.

One, two, (contare con le dita)
put on your shoe! (mimare il gesto di infilare la scarpa)
Thee, four, (contare con le dita)
shut the door! (chiudere la porta)
Five, six, (contare con le dita)
pick up stick! (alzare le braccia e fingere  di prendere dei ramoscelli)
Seven, eight, (contare con le dita)
don't be late! (indicare l'orologio al polso)
Nine, ten, (contare con le dita)
start again! (ruotare il dito indice)

clicca qui per la traduzione delle canzoni


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